于文轩.2020.中国公共行政学案例研究:问题与挑战.中国行政管理. 2020(4)p. 152-159
Wenxuan Yu. 2020. Chinese Public Administration Research Methods: Problems and Challenges. Chinese Public Administration. 2020(4) p.152-159.
于文轩、樊博.2020. 定量研究在公共管理学科中被滥用了吗? 公共管理学报. 2020(1), p. 159-166
Wenxuan Yu & Bo Fan, 2020. Are Quantitative Research Methods Abused in Public Management Research ? Journal of Public Management. 2020(2) p.159-166
于文轩.突发危机事件与组织学习:新加坡新冠肺炎应对策略的启示. 城市治理研究 (第五卷).上海:上海交通大学出版社,2020
Wenxuan Yu. 2020. Crisis and Organizational Learning: Singapore’s Strategy. Urban Governance Studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2020.
于文轩. 2020.新加坡“佛系抗疫”的策略及特点.人民论坛, 2020(10):36-39.
Wenxuan Yu. 2020. Fighting against Covid-19, Singapore Style. People’s Forum, 2020(10):36-39.
于文轩.2017. 大数据之殇:对人文、伦理和民主的挑战. 电子政务 2017(11)p.21-29
Wenxuan Yu.2017. Evils of Big Data: Challenges for Humanities, Ethics and Democracy. Electronic Governance. 2017(11). p.21-29. (CSSCI)
吴进进, 于文轩(通讯作者). 2017.中国城市财政透明度与政府信任:基于多层线性模型的宏微观互动分析.公共行政评论 2017(6) P.127-148
Jinjin Wu, Wenxan Yu (Corresponding Author). 2017. Chinese City-level Open Government Fiscal Information and Political Trust: Evidence from a Micro-Macro Interactive Approach Based on Multilevel Linear Model. Journal of Public Administration (JPA). 2017(6) P.127-148 (CSSCI)
于文轩. 2017. 社会冲突缓解和政府主导的社区自治:新加坡经验. 信访与社会矛盾问题研究. 2017(3) p. 136-145
Wenxuna Yu.2017. Social Conflict Resolution and Government-Led Community Management: Singapore Experience. Research on Letters and Calls and Social Contradictions & Problems. 2017(3) , p.136
于文轩,徐成委. 2016.中国智慧城市建设的政治和技术理性:基于147个城市的实证分析.公共管理学报.13(4),127-138
Wenxuan Yu and Chengwei Xu. 2016. The Political and Technical Rationalities of Smart City Initiatives. Journal of Public Management (JPM),13(4), p.127-138 (CSSCI)
于文轩.2016. 以《意见》发布为契机全面推进政府信息公开的实践和学术研究.中国行政管理. 2016 第4期,11-12.
Wenxuan Yu. 2016. Taking Advantage of the OGI Guideline, Advancing Open Government Information Practice and Research in China. Chinese Public Administration (CPA), 2016 (4) 11-12
于文轩,许成委,何文俊. 2016.服务型政府建设与公共服务绩效测评体系构建:以X市的纳税服务为例. 甘肃行政bat365在线官网登录学报. 2016(1) 4-12
Wenxuan Yu, Chenwei Xu, Wenjun He. 2016. Service Oriented Government and Public service performance evaluation system: Taxation Service in X City as Example. Journal of Gansu Administrative Academy. 2016(1) 4-12
吴伟, 于文轩,马亮. 2016. 提升社会公平感,建设服务型政府:2014 连氏中国城市公共服务指数调查报告. 公共管理与政策评论. 5(1), 5-16
Wei Wu, Wenxuan Yu, Liang Ma. 2016. Improving Social Equity and Building Service-Oriented Government: The 2014 Lien Survey Report of Chinese Cities’ Public Service Index, with Wu Wei and Liang Ma, Public Management and Policy Review 5(1), 5-16
吴伟, 于文轩,马亮. 2015. 服务型政府建设取得进展了吗? 中国城市的纵横比较. 甘肃行政bat365在线官网登录学报. 2015年第6期, 4-11.
Wei Wu, Wenxuan Yu and Liang Ma.2015. Developing Service-Oriented Government in China: A Longitudinal Analysis (2010-2014). Journal of Gansu Administration Institute (6): 4-11.
吴伟, 于文轩,马亮. 2015. 公众与企业视角下的公共服务公平性:中国城市的调查发现.电子政务. 2015年11期, 79-87
Wei Wu,Wenxuan Yu, Ma Liang.2015. Public Service Equity in the Perspectives of Citizens and Businesses: Findings from Chinese Cities. E-Government 155,11, 79-11
于文轩.2014.反腐败政策的奇迹:新加坡经验及其对中国的启示.公共行政评论. 2014 第5期,131-192.
Wenxuan Yu. 2014.A Miracle of Anti-Corruption Policy: Demystifying Singapore Model and Lessons China Can Learn.Journal of Public Administration (JPA). 2014(5), p.131-192
吴伟, 于文轩,马亮, 王君,林挺进.2014. 2013连氏中国服务型政府报告. 电子政务.2014年第1期. 18-33
Wei Wu, Wenxuan Yu, Liang Ma, Jun Wang, Tingjin Lin. 2014. 2013 Lien Service Oriented Government in China, with Wei Wu, Liang Ma, Jun Wang, Tingjin Lin, E-government, no.1. p.18-33
马亮, 于文轩,吴伟. 2014. 公共服务提供,绩效测评与政府信任:2013连氏公共管理国际学术会议综述. 甘肃行政bat365在线官网登录学报. 2014第1期.1-13.
Ma Liang, Wenxuan Yu & Wei Wu. 2014. Public Service Delivery, Performance Measurement and Political Trust, Journal of Gansu Administration Institute, no.1. p.1-13
马亮,于文轩. 2013. 第三方公共服务绩效评价的评价:一项比较案例研究.南京社会科学.2013 第5期. P.55-63.
Liang Ma & Wenxuan Yu. 2013. Assessing Third-Party Public Service Performance Assessments: A Comparative Case Study. Nanjing Social Sciences, 2013(5), p.55-63
吴伟, 于文轩,林挺进,马亮,盛明科.2013.中国服务型政府的全面和均衡发展. 经济研究参考. 2013第10期.22-40.
Wei Wu, Wenxuan Yu, Tingjin Lin, Liang Ma. 2013. Comprehensive and Balanced Development in Service-Oriented Government in China. Review of Economic Research, No. 10, p. 22-40
于文轩.2013.中国公共行政管理研究的未来:本土化,对话和超越. 公共行政评论. 2013(1), 15-20.
Wenxuan Yu. 2013.The Future of Chinese Public Administration Research: Localization, Dialogue and Transcendence. Journal of Public Administration. 2013(1), p.15-20 (CSSCI)
于文轩.2013.政府透明度与政治信任:基于2011中国城市服务型政府调查的分析.中国行政管理, 2013年第2期, 110-115
Wenxuan Yu. 2013. Government Transparency and Political Trust: An Analysis Based on the 2011 Chinese City Service-Oriented Government Survey. Chinese Public Administration. 2013 (2), p. 110-115
于文轩,林挺进,吴伟.2012. 中国服务型政府建设:2011年连氏中国服务型政府调查. 华东经济管理. 26(7). 26-38.
Wenxuan Yu, Tingjin Lin, Wei Wu. 2012. Service-Oriented Government in China: Findings from 2011 Lien Chinese Service-Oriented Government Survey,. East China Economic Management. Vol. 26, No. 7, p.26-38
尚虎平,于文轩. 2011. “职能革命”、管理绩效带动政府责任实现——卡梅隆政府公共机构改革的行政学意涵及对我国的启示.公共管理学报.2011第8卷第4期, 103-110
Shanghu Ping & Wenxuan Yu. 2011. The Realization of Responsibility by Functional Revolution and Managerial Performance. A Probe into Cameron’s Public Entities Reform. Journal of Public Management, Oct. 8(4), p. 103-110
尚虎平,于文轩. 2011.从“职能革命”到公共机构改革——卡梅隆联合政府公共机构改革对我国事业单位改革的启示.财经科学, 2011年第7期, 58-67
Huping Shang, Wenxuan Yu. 2011. From Function Revolution to Public Body Classification: Significance of Cameron Public Body Reform to Government Agency Reform in China. Finance and Economics. 2011(07), p. 58-67
林挺进,吴伟,于文轩,王君. 2011. 中国城市公共教育服务满意度的影响因素研究—基于HLM模型的定量分析. 复旦教育论坛. 2011年第4期. 49-53
Tingjin Lin, Wei Wu, Wenxuan Yu & Jun Wang. 2011. Citizen Satisfaction and Public Education in China: An Hierarchical Linear Model. Fudan Education Forum 2011. Vol. 9, No.4. pp. 54-58.
吴伟, 于文轩,林挺进,王君.2011. 提升城市公共服务质量,打造服务型政府-2010 连氏中国城市公共服务质量调查. 城市观察, 2011年第1期, 5-14
Wei Wu, Wenxuan Yu, Tingjin Lin and Jun Wang. 2011. Building Service-Oriented Government, Improving Public Service Delivery: 2010 Lien Public Service Excellence Index. Journal of Urban Insight, 2011 (1), p.5-14
Wenxuan Yu and Chengwei Xu. 2018. Developing Smart Cities in China: An Empirical Analysis. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA). 5(3), p.76-91
Liang Ma and Wenxuan Yu. 2018. Subjective and Objective Air Quality in Urban China: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Transparency. China Policy Journal. 1.p.1
Jue Wang, Wenxuan Yu (Corresponding author). 2017. Government performance in the eyes of business: an empirical study of SMEs in China. Public Performance and Management Review. 40(4), p.701-721 (SSCI)
Wei Wu, Liang Ma and Wenxuan Yu.2017 Government Transparency and Perceived Social Equity: Assessing the Moderating Effect of Citizen Trust in China. Administration & Society. 49(6), p.882-906 (SSCI)
Wenxuan Yu and Wei Wu. 2016. Teaching Senior Chinese Officials in Singapore. China: An International Journal, 14(4), p.144 -158. (SSCI).
Wenxuan Yu and Liang Ma.2015. External Government Performance Evaluations: Evaluating the Evaluations. Public Performance and Management Review, 39(1), p.144-171, (SSCI).
Wenxuan Yu and Liang Ma.2015. External Government Performance Evaluation in China: A Case Study of the ‘Lien Service-Oriented Government Project’. Public Money & Management, 35(6), p.431-437, (SSCI).
Wenxuan Yu, Marilyn Rubin and Wei Wu. 2012. An Executive MPA Program for China: Lessons from the Field. Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE), 18(3), p.545-564
Wenxuan Yu. 2011. Open Government Information in China: Challenges Faced by Public Human Resource Management, International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA), 34(13), p. 879-888
Piotrowski, Suzanne J., Zhang, Yahong, Weiwei Lin, Wenxuan Yu. 2009. Key Issues for Implementation of the Chinese Open Information Regulations. Public Administration Review (PAR), 69 (S1), p.129-135 (SSCI)